MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key TK4- System -- Any Cobol tutorial?
Manuel Escobar
2013-12-17 17:35:55 UTC
Hi, everyine. Thanks Jürgen for the excellent work. My question doesn't
regard the latest update but is turning my mind since the 4- release three
weeks ago. Is there a COBOL compiler (any version of it) included in the 4-
distribution? I've installed the Turkey successfully but currently my
knowledge of MVS is very very limited. Reading forums and doc around on the
Internet didn't help... maybe you could point me to a COBOL-on-tur(n)key
tutorial that would be great .
Thank you.
Manuel J.
pretty impressive update procedure!!! have you considered implementing
GCCV08.aws in TK4-?
Rahim Azizarab
Hi All
The TK4- system is now out for almost three weeks. Thanks to all who
provided feedback! I've used this feedback (where feasible) to create an
"Update 01" which can be downloaded from
See folder doc in tk4-_v1.00_update_01.zip for change descriptions
and installation instructions (if the zip file doesn't appear on the web
site, please press refresh in your browser).
2013-12-17 19:25:32 UTC
Hi Manuel

thanks for your comment.

TK4- has exactly the same compilers installed than Volker Bandke's original TK3 system. Usage is fully identical. So, I'd like to refer you as a first approach to Volker's Website: http://www.bsp-gmbh.com/turnkey/cookbook/index.html http://www.bsp-gmbh.com/turnkey/cookbook/index.html. There you'll find a link "Languages" pointing you to Jay Moseley's excellent documentation. This should give you a starting point.

However, Jay's documentation is fully batch orientated, assuming all jobs to be submitted through the Hercules card reader to MVS. Given today's powerful versions of REVIEW/RFE and RPF, you probably will rather want to work the "classic" MVS way, creating and editing source and JCL libraries on the MVS system and submitting the jobs using the submit commands of REVIEW or RPF. I'm currently not aware of a good tutorial for this way to work...

