Let me go back to a VS2 3.7 system and apply your mods and see what happens..
needs to be modified to take your mods as opposed to Jim's.
Post by hercules-***@j76.org [H390-MVS]Sorry it's taken so long to get back to you. Recent monsoon rains here
resulted in water in my basement office, which has been drying out.
Finally starting to get back to normal.
My version of the DASD mods was intended to be a complete replacement for
the existing version. I've even coordinated what I was doing with Jim.
The problem with this install is that they only install on top of a system
that has never had a prior version of the mods installed. Since so much of
what gets changed is in DLIBs, most or all of the mods get accepted, so
there's no convenient way to remove existing mods so the new ones can be
installed. I'm going to have to come up with a superseding installation
The new mods fix a couple of problems with the old mods. One is new
device types getting marked removable instead of nonremovable (the IBM SU64
macros have really confusing keywords, so the result in the original was
the opposite of what was desired). Another is assembly errors if you try
to put the master catalog on a new device type.
Another is a wait00A in NIP if you try to put the master catalog on a new
device type. That's an IBM bug; I split the fix for it from the rest of
The device error recovery support for new device types is incomplete. I
did IFCDIP00 but that's all. I think Greg Price has everything else.
Still no support for page data sets on new device types. That's going to
take someone who knows more about ASM than I do.