2018-09-25 17:25:45 UTC
Copied from turnkey-mvs group where I
can no longer post.
To Dave Kreiss.
Thanks for all your hard work! I do have one
comment on the process. Instead of converting
DS to DC to avoid random junk, would it not
be better to pass the output object code
through a utility to set all those areas to x'00'?
Note that we also have a mod to IEWL to
initialize all uninitialized fields to x'00', and
I assume this means we don't need the
object code utility.
Also there is no mention of repro code that
appears in some modules. I have utilities
available to construct that binary assembler
from source code.
BFN. Paul.
can no longer post.
To Dave Kreiss.
Thanks for all your hard work! I do have one
comment on the process. Instead of converting
DS to DC to avoid random junk, would it not
be better to pass the output object code
through a utility to set all those areas to x'00'?
Note that we also have a mod to IEWL to
initialize all uninitialized fields to x'00', and
I assume this means we don't need the
object code utility.
Also there is no mention of repro code that
appears in some modules. I have utilities
available to construct that binary assembler
from source code.
BFN. Paul.