[H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook for a newbie.
execsys@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 18:51:20 UTC
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)

I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.

So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do

I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started in MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use linux in the mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via tn3270. So these would be my operational goals:

1. TN3270 access
2. ISPF/TSO interface
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx

Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)

Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 19:59:05 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
but I have a great desire to use linux in
the mainframe environment
I'm confused by your message. z/Linux is
very modern and can be freely downloaded.
But the rest of your message seems to be
about MVS, not Unix.

The most modern MVS is z/OS, and bootleg
versions (called the ADCD) can be downloaded
from somewhere (I don't know where, I've
never looked), or you can pay about US$6000/year
to IBM to get it legally.

If you want the latest legally available and
free MVS, then TK4- and MVS/380 are your
choices, and for most people, TK4- is the
better (and most up-to-date) solution.

MVS/380 is only if you want to use lots of
memory (ie 2 GiB instead of 16 MiB), and
there are very few applications that we
have available that can't fit into 16 MiB.
The main one is GCCMVS when compiling
large C programs.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
1. TN3270 access
All of them do that.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2. ISPF/TSO interface
IBM's version of ISPF is not available
on the free MVS, but there are 3
replacements for it available, TK4- is
the best place to see all of them.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my
background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I
have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
Both of them are easy to install, and if it takes
you more than say 10 minutes to install it,
stop and report the problem, as something
has gone horribly wrong.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
Both of those are available, but they are
both hot off the press so you will have to
muck around a bit installing both of them.
I think TK4- has an old version of Pascal,
and MVS/380 has a version of brexx
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Other reccomendations like a database or
other languages,
IMS is available, and you may be able to
get sqlite running with JCC under TK4-.
A couple of people headed off in that
direction but I didn't see any report back
that they were successful.

I'm a big fan of C90, and there are two
compliant compilers available, JCC and
GCCMVS. JCC is commercial quality,
GCCMVS (which I distribute) is open
source. Pick your poison. :-)
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
To me, being able to use S/390 and
z/Arch instructions and huge amounts
of memory (both 31-bit and 64-bit
addressing is possible), is the must-have,
ie MVS/380 with the latest Hercules/380 beta.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question,
but what is the most intelligent path for me?
Most people who bootleg z/OS don't actually
talk about it, so if you want to have fun
discussing things, get one of the free versions
of MVS. Also subscribe to the hercules-os380
group, even if you don't go with MVS/380.

Another thing regarding "modern" - these free
MVS systems are being actively developed
and are proceeding ahead in leaps and
bounds. So although the base is from the 80s,
there are regular updates, especially with
TK4-. If you wish to program in Pascal, and
according to the ISO Pascal standard, I don't
think you need a bootleg z/OS to do that.
I guess it depends if you are planning on
calling some sort of feature that exists in
z/OS but not MVS 3.8j, but I don't know
what that might be.

You haven't specified what you want to
code using the Pascal compiler. If you
want to write a memory-hungry Pascal
program, I think you are out of luck at
the moment, as 16 MiB is the limit. But
that may be possible to change if
required. Need more information. :-)

Oh, and if you're trying to get a job,
they will want to see z/OS ticked, not
TK4-/MVS380, even though you could
literally spend the rest of your life just
learning about all the MVS 3.8j features
(which still exist in z/OS).

BFN. Paul.
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:04:38 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
1. TN3270 access
Oh, and if you prefer to transfer files to
the host using ftp instead of IND$FILE
(or via emulated tape etc), your only
(legal) choice is TK4- with its custom

BFN. Paul.
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:14:56 UTC
Post by ***@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
(or via emulated tape etc), your only
(legal) choice is TK4- with its custom
I checked the "links" in this group:


and there was no pointer to TK4-, so I
added that just now.

I also checked the MVS/380 link here, and it
was broken, so I fixed that too. That will
just take you to the hercules-os380 group,
where at the bottom of the link section there,
you will find the link to MVS/380 (and others,
ie VM/380 and VSE/380) download site.

BFN. Paul.
Kevin Monceaux Kevin@RawFedDogs.net [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:20:15 UTC
Oh, and if you prefer to transfer files to the host using ftp instead of
IND$FILE (or via emulated tape etc), your only (legal) choice is TK4- with
its custom Hercules.
No, that could also be done legally with z/Linux, Music if run under Sim990
instead of Hercules, and perhaps some day with MTS if the latest version is
ever released.
Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:39:27 UTC
Post by Kevin Monceaux ***@RawFedDogs.net [H390-MVS]
Oh, and if you prefer to transfer files to the host using ftp instead of
IND$FILE (or via emulated tape etc), your only (legal) choice is TK4- with
its custom Hercules.
No, that could also be done legally with z/Linux, Music if run under Sim990
instead of Hercules, and perhaps some day with MTS if the latest version is
ever released.
Ok, sure, I just meant out of the MVS
environments. Also note for the record
that it is SIM390 above.

BFN. Paul.
Kevin Monceaux Kevin@RawFedDogs.net [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:59:00 UTC
Also note for the record that it is SIM390 above.
Thanks for catching that. SIM990 is a TI-990 emulator.
Bruceville, TX

What's the definition of a legacy system? One that works!
Errare humanum est, ignoscere caninum.
sccosel@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-08 20:15:15 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)
I started at 20, and am just a little older.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.
Prepare to get a "million" different answers!
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
Most modern (legally available) "MVS" OS is TK4- (MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- System (TK4-)) - http://wotho4.ethz.ch/

Description from: http://dmoztools.net/Computers/Emulators/IBM_Mainframe/Hercules/
MVS 3.8j Tur(n)key 4- System (TK4-) - An update to Volker Bandke's Tur(n)key 3 (TK3) System by JÃŒrgen Winkelmann - OS/VS2 MVS 3.8j Service Level 8505 - Tur(n)key Level 4- Version 1.00, update 08 - Explains how to access the publicly available online demo system as well as a link to the downloadable distribution packages. Original release date: November 2013. Update 08 released: September 26, 2016.

There are bootleg versions of z/OS floating around, but IBM licensing is required to legally run it. Discussion of running these licensed versions is generally not appropriate, since the person asking, usually does not have proper licensing to run it.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
1. TN3270 access
1) Most affordable, commercially available, 3270 emulator for hobbyists is: Vista tn3270 - http://www.tombrennansoftware.com/ ($30.00)
2) A free, open source 3270 emulator is: x3270 (wc3270 for Windows) - http://x3270.bgp.nu/ ($0.00)
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2. ISPF/TSO interface
An IBM commercial product, not legally available. However, REVIEW/RFE, is available in the TK4- distribution and is darn close to ISPF/PDF!
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
"TK4-" - see above - (Use tk4-_v1.00_current.zip for a new installation)
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
BREXX is temporarily available here: https://polybox.ethz.ch/index.php/s/pdacgKPNiJVMm21/download (you must be on the current v1.00 update 08 of TK4-)
and is promised to be available in the next release of TK4- (v1.00 update 09).

Pascal - Oppolzer - Informatik / Stanford Pascal Compiler
Updated version of the Stanford Pascal Compiler designed to run on VM/370 Rel. 6 under the Hercules emulator. It should also run on today's z/VM and some, or all flavors of z/OS, a.k.a. MVS too, however it has not been tested on those operating systems. Currently supported by Bernd Oppolzer.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
After perusing "TK4-", check out MVS/380 - https://sourceforge.net/projects/mvs380/files/mvs380/MVS_380%201.2/Method%202%20-%20Full%20Install%20Package/
Ability to run larger size, C application programs using 31-Bit addressing.
Post by ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?
Definitely start with TK4-

Good luck!

'Wally Mclaughlin' wally@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-09 01:25:31 UTC
Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible product which is available to anyone.

The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create the functionality of ISPF from that era. The objective was to support many of the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus, panels, variables, messages, ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby providing the look and feel of the original product.

If you're interested in using it, I will send you more information as well as the product.


From: H390-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:H390-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
To: H390-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook for a newbie.

Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)

I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.

So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do

I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started in MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use linux in the mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via tn3270. So these would be my operational goals:

1. TN3270 access

2. ISPF/TSO interface

3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.

4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx

Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)

Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?
Joe Monk joemonk64@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-18 12:13:59 UTC
Hello Wally,

May I get a copy?


Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible product which is
available to anyone.
The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create the
functionality of ISPF from that era. The objective was to support many of
the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus, panels, variables, messages,
ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby providing the look and feel of the
original product.
If you're interested in using it, I will send you more information as well as the product.
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
*Subject:* [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook for
a newbie.
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)
I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little
overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started in
MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use linux in the
mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via tn3270. So these
1. TN3270 access
2. ISPF/TSO interface
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP -
so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have
utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?
Larry Belmontes lbelmontes@belmontes.net [H390-MVS]
2017-11-19 05:57:26 UTC

I would like a copy as well.

Larry Belmontes
Post by Joe Monk ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
Hello Wally,
May I get a copy?
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible product
which is
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
available to anyone.
The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create the
functionality of ISPF from that era. The objective was to support
many of
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus, panels, variables,
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby providing the look and feel of the
original product.
If you're interested in using it, I will send you more information as
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
as the product.
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
*Subject:* [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
a newbie.
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
when I was 18)
I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little
overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use linux
in the
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via tn3270. So
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
1. TN3270 access
2. ISPF/TSO interface
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is
Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have
utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most
intelligent path for me?
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
GM Aon anon.4300@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-21 01:05:33 UTC

May I as well.


Post by Joe Monk ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
I would like a copy as well.
Larry Belmontes
Hello Wally,
May I get a copy?
On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 7:25 PM, 'Wally Mclaughlin'
Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible
product which is available to anyone.
The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create
the functionality of ISPF from that era.  The objective was to
support many of the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus,
panels, variables, messages, ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby
providing the look and feel of the original product.
If you're interested in using it, I will send you more
information as well as the product.
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
*Subject:* [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :)
Cookbook for a newbie.
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working
on them when I was 18)
I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a
little overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need
to make.
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background
started in MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great
desire to use linux in the mainframe environment and to
support remote user (me) via tn3270. So these would be my
1. TN3270 access 
2. ISPF/TSO interface
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is
VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
Other reccomendations like a database or other languages,
must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the
most intelligent path for me?
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
vbcoen@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-18 13:28:20 UTC
Hi Wally;

I am interested in your ISPF tool.

TK4 could use it.

tom_loftus@fastmail.fm [H390-MVS]
2017-11-21 00:28:48 UTC
This sounds like just what I have been looking for. I would greatly appreciate a copy.

Many thanks
Michael Ferero mikfer2000@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2017-11-21 14:46:37 UTC
blockquote, div.yahoo_quoted { margin-left: 0 !important; border-left:1px #715FFA solid !important; padding-left:1ex !important; background-color:white !important; } I would like to try it out as well.
Thank you in advance,
Michael A. Ferero

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPad

On Wednesday, November 8, 2017, 8:25 PM, 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS] <H390-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible product which is available to anyone.


The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create the functionality of ISPF from that era.  The objective was to support many of the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus, panels, variables, messages, ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby providing the look and feel of the original product.


If you're interested in using it, I will send you more information as well as the product.






From: H390-***@yahoogroups.com [mailto:H390-***@yahoogroups.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
To: H390-***@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook for a newbie.



Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)

I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.

So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do

I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started in MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use linux in the mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via tn3270. So these would be my operational goals:

1. TN3270 access 

2. ISPF/TSO interface

3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP - so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton. 

4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx

Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)

Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?

#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889 -- #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp #yiv5573707889hd {color:#628c2a;font-size:85%;font-weight:700;line-height:122%;margin:10px 0;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp #yiv5573707889ads {margin-bottom:10px;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp .yiv5573707889ad {padding:0 0;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp .yiv5573707889ad p {margin:0;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-mkp .yiv5573707889ad a {color:#0000ff;text-decoration:none;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-sponsor #yiv5573707889ygrp-lc {font-family:Arial;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-sponsor #yiv5573707889ygrp-lc #yiv5573707889hd {margin:10px 0px;font-weight:700;font-size:78%;line-height:122%;}#yiv5573707889 #yiv5573707889ygrp-sponsor #yiv5573707889ygrp-lc .yiv5573707889ad {margin-bottom:10px;padding:0 0;}#yiv5573707889 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Gary gdblodgett@comcast.net [H390-MVS]
2017-11-21 21:39:21 UTC
Hi Wally,

I would very much like to have a copy also.

Thank you,

Post by 'Wally Mclaughlin' ***@cisterncay.com [H390-MVS]
Over the past 9 years, I have written an ISPF compatible product which
is available to anyone.
The product was written for MVS 3.8 and attempts to re-create the
functionality of ISPF from that era.  The objective was to support
many of the familiar features of ISPF, such as menus, panels,
variables, messages, ISPF commands and PFKeys, thereby providing the
look and feel of the original product.
If you're interested in using it, I will send you more information as well as the product.
*Sent:* Wednesday, November 8, 2017 1:51 PM
*Subject:* [H390-MVS] Greetings, questions, and apologies :) Cookbook
for a newbie.
Good day folks. I am a "young" mainframer (53, started working on them when I was 18)
I am looking ot get back into hercules but admit to being a little
overwhelmed by whats available and choices I would need to make.
So, let me describe what I'd like to be able to do
I'd like to use the most modern available OS - My background started
in MVS and ended around OS/390 - but I have a great desire to use
linux in the mainframe environment and to support remote user (me) via
1. TN3270 access
2. ISPF/TSO interface
3. As easy an OS install as possible - my background is VTAM/NCP/TCPIP
- so I have some SMPE and assembler, but not a ton.
4. Application coding using pascal and/or Rexx
Other reccomendations like a database or other languages, must-have
utiltiies (looks like JOL is right up my alley)
Thanks, sorry for such a subjective question, but what is the most intelligent path for me?