[H390-MVS] "Receiving" an XMIT file in Hercules
david@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 13:36:37 UTC
OK - nOOb alert - be patient please.

So I'm digging into my TK4- Hercules MVS machine, it's going well, if slowly (I'm discovering how MUCH I've forgotten since last working on mainframes in the year 2000!) I want to install KICKS v1r5m0. I'm running Hercules on Windows 10. So I get moshix's nice zipped up version and I'm again faced with an XMIT file and, from what I understand, no RECEIVE command in my MVS 3.8 and no DASDLOAD on my Windows Hercules machine.

Yesterday, I DIY-ed an XMIT of the RECEIVE ISPF panels into separate files using XMIT Analyzer and then repackaged them as an IEBUPDTE stream and then IND$FILE transferred them to TSO on Hercules and ran IEBUPDTE and I'm good.

This KICKS XMIT file looks more complicated (with what seems to be "nested" XMIT files), AND it continues to beg the question - "Surely I'm missing something and there IS a way to process these XMIT files on Windows-based Hercules - right!?!?"

Should I be doing a "binary" IND$FILE transfer and then using IEBCOPY?
Should I be mounting this as a "tape" and then using IEBCOPY?

So, I'm a bit lost and I know there are brilliant folk who can help me out here...right?
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 15:08:38 UTC
Post by ***@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
faced with an XMIT file and, from what I
understand, no RECEIVE command in
my MVS 3.8
You should have RECV370 in SYS2.LINKLIB.
That is the replacement for RECEIVE.
Post by ***@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
and no DASDLOAD on my Windows Hercules machine.
You should have dasdload with Hercules.
Post by ***@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
Should I be doing a "binary" IND$FILE transfer and then using IEBCOPY?
Should I be mounting this as a "tape" and then using IEBCOPY?
You can't run IEBCOPY directly on XMITs.

RECV370 is the normal solution.

BFN. Paul.
david@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 18:18:59 UTC
Thanks Paul, I'll go the RECV370 route. Everything I've seen about DASDLOAD seems to be specific to Hercules running on Linux. Haven't found any doc for Windows. I could be mistaken
kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 18:22:48 UTC
Thanks Paul, I'll go the RECV370 route. Everything
I've seen about DASDLOAD seems to be specific to
Hercules running on Linux. Haven't found any doc for
Windows. I could be mistaken
I personally use dasdload on Windows. That's
how I create an IPLable PDOS/3x0 dasd. You should
find a dasdload.exe which is for Windows.

BFN. Paul.
'Dave Wade' dave.g4ugm@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 18:23:58 UTC
All the Hercules utilities exist on Windows. If you have installed a 3.xx version of Hercules you should have a shortcut to the Hercules command prompt in your start menu. From that do "dasdload /?" for help.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 June 2018 19:19
Subject: [H390-MVS] Re: "Receiving" an XMIT file in Hercules
Thanks Paul, I'll go the RECV370 route. Everything I've seen about DASDLOAD
seems to be specific to Hercules running on Linux. Haven't found any doc for
Windows. I could be mistaken
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'Dave Wade' dave.g4ugm@gmail.com [H390-MVS]
2018-06-12 18:24:48 UTC
If you installed one of fishes 4.xx builds you need to run from the install directory...

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 12 June 2018 19:19
Subject: [H390-MVS] Re: "Receiving" an XMIT file in Hercules
Thanks Paul, I'll go the RECV370 route. Everything I've seen about DASDLOAD
seems to be specific to Hercules running on Linux. Haven't found any doc for
Windows. I could be mistaken
Yahoo Groups Links
david@leighweb.com [H390-MVS]
2018-06-13 06:09:59 UTC
Thanks for all the responses. I DID finally find it. I'm running TK4- and it's in the /hercules/windows/64 directory. I'd never been there before as I had been content to simply fire up hercules with the mvs.bat file from the root. Not the most obvious location for me, but it's there! Thanks. Now I have two paths to explore.