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<p class="MsoNormal">Way back in the late '60s and '70s, it was
recognized that
JCL was a very difficult language to learn and use, and needed
extra facilities
such as PreProcessor Variable testing and arithmetic statements,
the ability to
generate Control Cards with Symbolic Variable replacement, easy to
create full
screen Panels, and primarily, an easy to use, English like
language using
commands such as Copy, Print and so on. Additionally, a really
good macro language
that would allow the language to be expanded infinitely would be
useful. <br>
The language was called Jol. Job Organisation Language. <br>
Datamation ran a small article on it, and received 1000's of
enquiries - much
more than they had received for any other product. In the early
'80s, IBM was
about to sign a deal to market Jol - however a situation developed
much like
Steve Jobs had in his company and so the deal was not completed
Fujitsu and Amdahl supplied it with their machines <br>
Decades have now passed, and while IBM has introduced some of the
features Jol
had 40 years ago, many are still to come, such as an easy to use
English style
language, full arithmetic expressions, the ability to run the same
under TSO or Batch, and much, much more. <br>
And so today, Jol is now under the Open Source banner. You are
encouraged use
it for free, and the source code (which was examined and approved
by IBM in the
'80s) is available with the proviso and restriction that if it is
turned into a
commercial product, royalties must be paid. <br>
There are three or so versions of Jol. <br>
1. The 370 Assembler Z/OS Mainframe version. <br>
2. The Windows, Linux and OS/2 "C" versions that either generate
that runs on the mainframe, or alternatively executes native
applications on
their own platforms. The Linux version is in Beta mode. <br>
3. A Beta version of a compatible IBM VSE version. <br>
You can download Jol from the <a href="http://www.Oscar-Jol.com">www.Oscar-Jol.com</a>
site which also has all the documentation and many examples. <br>
Now, there is no reason why you cannot move to the next generation
language. <br>
Clem Clarke <br>
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