William D ASM bturnersa@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2018-10-18 05:11:02 UTC
Hi - been installing Wally's ISPF last week and somehow while attempting
to add it to TSOAPPLS menu, I stupidly sent the assembly link target of
TSOMENU to SYS2.CMDPROC instead of SYS2,CMDLIB - senior moment I guess.
Anyway upshot of that was the proc lib was changed to recfm U.
Curiously, at least to me, it continued to work - I could log in and out
of TSO quite happily. Problem became apparent when I tried to copy
another proc to sys2.cmdproc and got an incompatible DCB error. I didn't
want to restore from the host backup because I had done and learned
quite a lot of JCl since the backup. Luckily IÂ managed to recover from
a tape backup and all is now well. ISPF added to the menu and seems to
be working OK. Will spend some time with it later and let Wally have my
opinions ;-)
In the meantime though, I tried to find a fix for the recfm problem via
Google and generally help was pessimistic though one soul suggest
IEBGENER - I tried that and that completely hosed the proclib. Â Now I
had a copy of the cmdproc called SYS3.CMDPROC - deleted sys2.c... and
tried to rename sys3.c to sys2.c... via JCL (because now I can't login
to TSO) but had no success. Suggested IEBGENER job finished with RC 0
but did nothing, I could not get IEHPROGM to accept any commands and
learned afterwards that is a bad idea for cataloged datasets anyway, and
finally IDCAMS which actually renamed the catalog entry and wiped the
dataset. General consensus was that the TSO rename command would have
done the job but since I couldn't login to TSO that was not an option. I
understand one can run TSO in batch so that could have been a way out
but I have never tried that route. I will sometime soon.
Question - is it possible to use a utility in batch to rename a dataset
or is that something is not possible in MVS 3.8.
Apologies for the sorry tale but appreciate any pointers.
Best regards
to add it to TSOAPPLS menu, I stupidly sent the assembly link target of
TSOMENU to SYS2.CMDPROC instead of SYS2,CMDLIB - senior moment I guess.
Anyway upshot of that was the proc lib was changed to recfm U.
Curiously, at least to me, it continued to work - I could log in and out
of TSO quite happily. Problem became apparent when I tried to copy
another proc to sys2.cmdproc and got an incompatible DCB error. I didn't
want to restore from the host backup because I had done and learned
quite a lot of JCl since the backup. Luckily IÂ managed to recover from
a tape backup and all is now well. ISPF added to the menu and seems to
be working OK. Will spend some time with it later and let Wally have my
opinions ;-)
In the meantime though, I tried to find a fix for the recfm problem via
Google and generally help was pessimistic though one soul suggest
IEBGENER - I tried that and that completely hosed the proclib. Â Now I
had a copy of the cmdproc called SYS3.CMDPROC - deleted sys2.c... and
tried to rename sys3.c to sys2.c... via JCL (because now I can't login
to TSO) but had no success. Suggested IEBGENER job finished with RC 0
but did nothing, I could not get IEHPROGM to accept any commands and
learned afterwards that is a bad idea for cataloged datasets anyway, and
finally IDCAMS which actually renamed the catalog entry and wiped the
dataset. General consensus was that the TSO rename command would have
done the job but since I couldn't login to TSO that was not an option. I
understand one can run TSO in batch so that could have been a way out
but I have never tried that route. I will sometime soon.
Question - is it possible to use a utility in batch to rename a dataset
or is that something is not possible in MVS 3.8.
Apologies for the sorry tale but appreciate any pointers.
Best regards