[H390-MVS] Updated levels
Greg Price greg.price@optusnet.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-07-15 05:31:55 UTC

Just to formally let it be known that:

(a) IMON/370 is now at level 17.07.05.
Download from
- click on the "IMON/370" section heading.
No big changes since February, but thought I'd mention it for those who
like being on the latest level.
You can check
to see if you need any of the recent fixes.

(b) REVIEW/RFE is now at Release 47.2.
and scroll down to the "Download resources" bullet points to see if
there are any updated components of interest.

The Release Notes web page is at

Dum dee dum, hum hum...

Oh, still here?

Hmm, how about those Oilers?

Yeah, I was trying my hand at flowcharting some stuff a few weeks back
using software from the web, and was quite impressed with Edraw from
and was on the verge of paying for it when my daughter put me on to
draw.io from
which seems to work from a number of different RTEs or invocation
umbrellas or whatever and seems to be completely free.

I thought it might be nice to have some REVIEW flowcharts, but it seems
(to me) to be so large now that it would be a significant undertaking.
Well, how about some high-level charts, then?

So I put each CSECT name into a circular symbol and plotted an arrow
from each CSECT to each CSECT it called. I then removed parts in
reverse chronological order saving each image as I went. I then used a
GIF animator to construct the animated GIF on the REVIEW home page.

But that GIF does not really illustrate any structural hierarchy, so I
made the SVG (scalable vector graphics) pic viewable at
- use control-plus and control-minus to zoom in and out.
It still looked pretty horrendous until I removed some low-level
subroutines from the mix
- those CSECTs are documented below the actual structure diagram.
It reminds me a bit of some of those diagrams you see of the London
Underground network.

Anyway, FWIW...

kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-07-15 06:17:32 UTC
Post by Greg Price ***@optusnet.com.au [H390-MVS]
made the SVG (scalable vector graphics) pic viewable at
Yikes. That picture reminds me of why
I try to avoid writing any significant
application and try to stick to small
utilities instead.

BFN. Paul.
Philippe de Rochambeau phiroc@free.fr [H390-MVS]
2017-07-15 07:07:38 UTC
Hi Greg,
I have two newbie questions:
- how can I tell which REVIEW version is currently installed on my copy of tk4-? I’ve tried « ? REVIEW » , but I get a « NO INFORMATION » message.
- can I upgrade it (without destabilizing my OS) and, if so, how?
Post by Greg Price ***@optusnet.com.au [H390-MVS]
(a) IMON/370 is now at level 17.07.05.
Download from
http://www.prycroft6.com.au/vs2sw/index.html#imon370 <http://www.prycroft6.com.au/vs2sw/index.html#imon370>
- click on the "IMON/370" section heading.
No big changes since February, but thought I'd mention it for those who
like being on the latest level.
You can check
http://www.prycroft6.com.au/vs2sw/im370log.html <http://www.prycroft6.com.au/vs2sw/im370log.html>
to see if you need any of the recent fixes.
(b) REVIEW/RFE is now at Release 47.2.
http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/index.html <http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/index.html>
and scroll down to the "Download resources" bullet points to see if
there are any updated components of interest.
The Release Notes web page is at
http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/revnotes.html <http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/revnotes.html>
Dum dee dum, hum hum...
Oh, still here?
Hmm, how about those Oilers?
Yeah, I was trying my hand at flowcharting some stuff a few weeks back
using software from the web, and was quite impressed with Edraw from
https://www.edrawsoft.com/ <https://www.edrawsoft.com/>
and was on the verge of paying for it when my daughter put me on to
draw.io <http://draw.io/> from
https://www.draw.io/ <https://www.draw.io/>
which seems to work from a number of different RTEs or invocation
umbrellas or whatever and seems to be completely free.
I thought it might be nice to have some REVIEW flowcharts, but it seems
(to me) to be so large now that it would be a significant undertaking.
Well, how about some high-level charts, then?
So I put each CSECT name into a circular symbol and plotted an arrow
from each CSECT to each CSECT it called. I then removed parts in
reverse chronological order saving each image as I went. I then used a
GIF animator to construct the animated GIF on the REVIEW home page.
But that GIF does not really illustrate any structural hierarchy, so I
made the SVG (scalable vector graphics) pic viewable at
http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/revstruct.html <http://www.prycroft6.com.au/REVIEW/revstruct.html>
- use control-plus and control-minus to zoom in and out.
It still looked pretty horrendous until I removed some low-level
subroutines from the mix
- those CSECTs are documented below the actual structure diagram.
It reminds me a bit of some of those diagrams you see of the London
Underground network.
Anyway, FWIW...
sccosel@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2017-07-15 08:19:45 UTC
Go into RFE (i.e. REVIEW) and type "KEYS" at the "COMMAND ===>" prompt. The version number appears on the top, right hand portion of the next screen.

On the demonstration TK4- system installed at: wotho4.ethz.ch, it is displayed as: (R46.6).

Philippe de Rochambeau phiroc@free.fr [H390-MVS]
2017-07-15 08:25:00 UTC
Hi Scott,
46.6 indeed.
I’ve just discovered that ‘?’ is an alias for ‘KEYS’, but apparently only works within RFE.
Post by ***@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
Go into RFE (i.e. REVIEW) and type "KEYS" at the "COMMAND ===>" prompt.
The version number appears on the top, right hand portion of the next screen.
On the demonstration TK4- system installed at: wotho4.ethz.ch <http://wotho4.ethz.ch/>, it is displayed as: (R46.6).
Greg Price greg.price@optusnet.com.au [H390-MVS]
2017-07-16 04:41:17 UTC
Post by Philippe de Rochambeau ***@free.fr [H390-MVS]
I’ve just discovered that ‘?’ is an alias for ‘KEYS’, but apparently
only works within RFE.
Yes, funny, isn't it?
You actually have to invoke the software before the software can process
your request.

Continue reading on narkive: