I would expect a metal 'C' routine using MVS interfaces to look like this....
This is not my code, but an example I found...
* readds.c *
* Purpose: Read the records of a VSAM data set and write them *
* to a sequential Data Set *
* *
* Input: SYSUT1 DD statement describing a Sequential Data Set *
* with DISP=SHR *
* SYSPRINT DD statement that any messages will be written *
* to. *
* by Andrew Wilt *
#include <string.h> /* for memcpy, memset, strlen */
#include "ihadcb.h" /* IHADCB mapping */
/* statically define the DCB parameter list for a DCB that
describes using QSAM I/O to a sequential dataset. The DCB
is defined for output (PUTs). The output data set is a
Variable Blocked data set (SYSOUT=*). A dummy DCBE address
is coded so that the appropriate bits indicating that a
DCBE exists are set.
: "DS"(stoutdcb));
/* statically define a DCBE for association with the DCB */
: "DS"(STDCBE));
/* statically define the DCB parameter list for a DCB that
describes using QSAM I/O to a sequential dataset. The DCB
is defined for input (GETs). */
: "DS"(stindcb));
/* statically define the OPEN parameter list for opening the
QSAM output DD. The long form of the parameter list (MODE=31)
is requested so that the module can be AMODE 31. */
" OPEN (,(OUTPUT)),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(open_output));
/* statically define the OPEN parameter list for opening the
input DD. The long form of the parameter list (MODE=31)
is requested so that the module can be AMODE 31.*/
" OPEN (,(INPUT)),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(open_input));
/* statically define the CLOSE parameter list for closing the
QSAM output DD. The long form of the parameter list (MODE=31)
is requested so that the module can be AMODE 31. */
" CLOSE (),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(close_static) );
#define null 0
#define kASALineFeed ' ' /* Line Feed for ASA control */
#define kASA2LineFeed '0' /* Line Feed 2 lines ASA control */
#define kASA3LineFeed '-' /* Line Feed 3 lines ASA control */
#define kMAXLRECL 32760 /* Maximum Logical Record Length */
#define kParmList 1024
#define kDCBElen 56 /* Length of a DCBE */
int max(int x, int y){
return x > y ? x : y;
int min(int x, int y){
return x < y ? x : y;
/* function prototype for Open QSAM DCB */
struct ihadcb* open_QSAM_dcb(char*, char);
/* function prototype for Close QSAM DCB */
int close_QSAM_dcb(struct ihadcb*);
/* function prototype for reading QSAM Data Set functionality */
int read_QSAM_dataset(struct ihadcb* in, struct ihadcb* out);
/* Main Line code */
int main(void* USRPARM){
/* ensure that the user parm is not padded with extra bytes */
#pragma pack(packed)
/* option values passed via PARM= JCL parameter */
typedef struct opts{
unsigned short optlen;
char optlist[100];
} ;
struct opts *loc_opts;
#pragma pack(reset)
char SYSPRINTdd[9];
char SYSUT1dd[9];
struct ihadcb *sysPRdcbp; /* Pointer to SYSPRINT DCB */
struct ihadcb* sysUT1dcbp; /* Pointer to SYSUT1 DCB */
int retcode = 0;
int total_written; /* total number of bytes written
to the output data set */
/* Begin Mainline Code */
memcpy(SYSPRINTdd, "SYSPRINT", 9); /* Set the SYSPRINT DCB name */
memcpy(SYSUT1dd, "SYSUT1 ", 9); /* Set the SYSUT1 DCB name */
/* Open SYSPRINT DD for QSAM Output. A pointer to a DCB block is
* returned upon a successful open. */
sysPRdcbp = open_QSAM_dcb(SYSPRINTdd,'o');
/* Open the VSAM data set specified on the SYSUT1 DD statement.
* A pointer to an ACB is returned upon a successful open. */
sysUT1dcbp = open_QSAM_dcb(SYSUT1dd,'i');
/* Read the data set and write its contents to the
* output DD.
if(sysUT1dcbp != null &&
sysPRdcbp != null){
total_written = read_QSAM_dataset(sysUT1dcbp, sysPRdcbp);
/* Close SYSPRINT DCB */
retcode = max(retcode, close_QSAM_dcb(sysPRdcbp));
sysPRdcbp = null;
/* Close SYSUT1 data Set */
retcode = max(retcode, close_QSAM_dcb(sysUT1dcbp));
sysPRdcbp = null;
} else
retcode = 16;
return retcode;
/* Functionality to read records from sequential data set and
* write them to the output Sequential data set.
* Input: Pointer to Opened Input DCB
* Pointer to Opened Output DCB
* Output: Number of bytes written.
/* Request that the compiler insert the default prolog
and epilog code to get and free autodata storage */
#pragma prolog(read_QSAM_dataset,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(read_QSAM_dataset,"MYEPILOG")
int read_QSAM_dataset(struct ihadcb* in, struct ihadcb* out){
int bytes_written=0;
int readlen = 0;
char *buff;
#pragma pack(packed)
struct qsamrec{
short qs_rdw; /* Record Descriptor Word */
short qs_filler; /* Two byte reserved field */
char qs_asa; /* ASA control character */
char qs_buff[kMAXLRECL]; /* Message buffer */
#pragma pack(reset)
struct qsamrec *outrec;
/* fields to know if EOF has been reached, or there was an I/O err */
int qsam_EOF;
qsam_EOF = 0; /* init EOF indicator */
buff = 0; /* init buff pointer */
/* Read records from the input and write to the output */
while(qsam_EOF == 0){
/* Get a Record from the input data set */
__asm(" LR 1,%1\n" /* Load the DCB address in Reg1 */
" LA 5,%2\n" /* put address of qsam_EOF in r5 */
" GET (1)\n" /* Issue GET macro */
" ST 1,%0" : /* Store buff ptr from reg1 */
"=m"(buff) : /* Output buffer return pointer */
"r"(in), /* Input DCB address */
"m"(qsam_EOF) : /* EOF indicator */
"r1","r5"); /* Regs 1,5 used */
readlen = in->dcblrecl; /* remember amount of data read */
/* Put that record to the output data set
* Since the Output DCB was defined as a Put Locate type,
* a pointer to an available buffer is returned in reg 1. Once
* PUT returns, we can then copy in the information to be
* written to the returned buffer for processing later. */
if (qsam_EOF == 0){
__asm(" LR 5,%1\n" /* Load the DCB address in Reg5 */
" PUT (5)\n" /* Issue PUT macro */
" ST 1,%0" : /* Store buff ptr from reg1 */
"=m"(outrec) : /* Output buffer return pointer */
"r"(out) : /* Input DCB address */
"r1","r5"); /* Regs 1,5,14,15 used */
/* Copy message into buffer */
outrec->qs_rdw = in->dcblrecl+1+4; /* msglen + asachar +
rdwsize */
outrec->qs_asa = kASALineFeed; /* ASA Line Feed char */
memcpy(&outrec->qs_buff, buff, in->dcblrecl);
bytes_written += readlen; /* increment # bytes */
return bytes_written;
/* Open a DCB for QSAM I/O
* Returns a pointer to a DCB area for the opened DD.
* Input: An 8 character, null terminated DD name string where the DD
* name is left-justified and padded on the right with blanks.
* A 1 character Open type - O for Output, I for Input
/* Request that the compiler insert the default prolog
and epilog code to get and free autodata storage */
#pragma prolog(open_QSAM_dcb,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(open_QSAM_dcb,"MYEPILOG")
struct ihadcb* open_QSAM_dcb(char* ddname, char opentype){
struct ihadcb* dcbptr;
void* dcbe;
/* Check the parameters */
/* Check the parameters */
if (ddname == null ||
strlen(ddname) > 8 ||
(opentype != 'O' &&
opentype != 'o' &&
opentype != 'I' &&
opentype != 'i'))
return null;
/* Get 24 bit storage (backed anywhere in 64 bit) for the DCB. */
: "+m"(dcbptr) /* Output dcb pointer field */
: "i"(sizeof(struct ihadcb)+
sizeof(STDCBE)) /* Length to allocate */
dcbe = (void*)((void*)dcbptr)+sizeof(struct ihadcb);
/* clear newly obtained storage */
memset(dcbptr, 0, sizeof(struct ihadcb)+
/* Copy the DCB from static memory to storage */
case 'O':
case 'o':
sizeof(struct ihadcb));
case 'I':
case 'i':
sizeof(struct ihadcb));
/* dcbptr->dcblrecl = 80; set 80 byte records. */
/* copy in the static DCBE definition */
/* Set other fields in DCB */
/* Set the DDNAME to be the requested DD name for this DCB */
memcpy(&dcbptr->dcbddnam, ddname, 8);
/* Replace the dummy DCBE pointer in the DCB */
dcbptr->dcbdcbe = dcbe;
* Open the DCB
/* Copy the DCB from static memory to storage */
switch (opentype){
case 'O':
case 'o':
/* define the OPEN parameter list in the dynamic
Autodata storage The long form of the parameter list
(MODE=31) is requested so that the module can be
AMODE 31. */
" OPEN (,(OUTPUT)),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(open_out_list));
/* Copy the static parameter list to dynamic stg */
open_out_list = open_output;
/* Open the output DD */
__asm(" OPEN ((%0)),MF=(E,(%1)),MODE=31" :
: "r"(dcbptr), "r"(&open_out_list));
case 'I':
case 'i':
/* define the OPEN parameter list in the dynamic
Autodata storage The long form of the parameter list
(MODE=31) is requested so that the module can be
AMODE 31. */
" OPEN (,(INPUT)),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(open_in_list));
/* Copy the static parameter list to dynamic stg */
open_in_list = open_input;
/* Open the output DD */
__asm(" OPEN ((%0)),MF=(E,(%1)),MODE=31" :
: "r"(dcbptr), "r"(&open_in_list));
/* Was the DD not Opened successfully? */
if (dcbptr->dcbofopn != 1)
/* Free the DCB storage */
: /* No output fields */
: "r"(dcbptr), /* pointer to storage to free */
"i"(sizeof(struct ihadcb)) /* Length to free */
dcbptr = null; /* clear pointer */
return dcbptr; /* Return DCB pointer */
/* Close a non-VSAM data set.
* Input : DCB to be closed
* Output: Return code from CLOSE */
#pragma prolog(close_QSAM_dcb,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(close_QSAM_dcb,"MYEPILOG")
int close_QSAM_dcb(struct ihadcb* dcbptr){
int close_ret_code=0;
/* If the Output DD was Opened, then CLOSE it */
if (dcbptr->dcbofopn == 1){
/* The DCB was opened */
__asm(" CLOSE (),MF=L,MODE=31" : "DS"(close_list) );
close_list = close_static;
close_ret_code = 0;
/* CLOSE the DD */
__asm(" CLOSE ((%1)),MF=(E,(%2)),MODE=31\n"
" ST 15,%0" /* Store return code from reg15 */
: "=m"(close_ret_code) /* Output return code field */
: "r"(dcbptr), /* Input DCB pointer */
"r"(&close_list)); /* CLOSE parameter list */
} else
close_ret_code = 0; /* Return 0 if DCB was not open */
/* If the dcbptr is not null, free the storage */
if (dcbptr != null){
/* Free the DCB storage */
: /* No output fields */
: "r"(dcbptr), /* Input pointer to free */
"i"(sizeof(struct ihadcb)) ); /* Length to free */
return close_ret_code;
/* The QSAMEOD function gets control when there is an End Of Data
event during a PUT/GET call using QSAM.
Before invoking GET, Register 5 is loaded with the address
of a field that indicates that End of File has been reached.
This code expects register 5 to contain the address of a 4 byte
This function stores the value 1 into the field that register 5
points to as an indicator that End of File was reached. */
#pragma prolog(QSAMEOD,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(QSAMEOD,"MYEPILOG")
void QSAMEOD(void){
/* Remember that we hit End of File. */
__asm(" LA 2,1\n" /* put 1 into reg 2 */
" ST 2,0(,5)" /* store 1 into stg at r5 */
: : : "r2","r5"); /* regs 2,5 used */
/* The QSAMIOER function gets control when there is an I/O error
during a PUT/GET call using QSAM.
Before invoking PUT/GET, Register 5 should be loaded with the
address of a field that indicates that an I/O Error has occurred.
This code expects register 5 to contain the address of a 4 byte
This function stores the value 2 into the field that register 5
points to as an indicator that I/O Error has occurred. */
#pragma prolog(QSAMIOER,"MYPROLOG")
#pragma epilog(QSAMIOER,"MYEPILOG")
void QSAMIOER(void){
/* Remember that we had an I/O Error. */
__asm(" LA 2,2\n" /* put 2 into reg 2 */
" ST 2,0(,5)" /* store 2 into storage at r5 */
: : : "r2","r5"); /* regs 2,5 used */
Post by ***@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]Post by Joe Monk ***@gmail.com [H390-MVS]On the mainframe, IBM has a version of C called
Metal C. This version uses standard OS linkage
conventions to call system functions. So, any
interface documented can be called just the same
as if you were calling from assembler.
That would only work for functions that are specified
as callable routines, not the many macros like OPEN
that are the normal interface to MVS facilities.
BFN. Paul.