[H390-MVS] REVIEW R48.0
'pricgren@yahoo.com' pricgren@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2018-02-19 10:56:36 UTC
REVIEW R48.0 is now available.

Details at

W Mainframe mainframew@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2018-02-19 15:09:06 UTC
Thank you for one more REVIEW version.I have a question about your editor. Is there any parameter list to call the editor (from Assembler or still C) to pointing a memory structure?  Not a physical file. 

Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone

On Monday, February 19, 2018, 7:56 AM, '***@yahoo.com' ***@yahoo.com [H390-MVS] <H390-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:


REVIEW R48.0 is now available.

Details at

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'pricgren@yahoo.com' pricgren@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2018-02-20 10:37:12 UTC
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 2:09:36 AM GMT+11, W Mainframe ***@yahoo.com [H390-MVS] <H390-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

  I have a question about your editor. Is there any parameter list to call the editor (from Assembler or still C) to pointing a memory structure?  Not a physical file. 
Er, no.
REVEDIT expects the DD name, data set name and volume serial, and member name if partitioned, to all be supplied before initialization.
Can't even edit z/OS UNIX files with it.
OTOH, the REVIEW browser can browse stuff in storage, but not by being passed the storage when called from another program.
Things like load module history and map information, ZIP archive directories, and LISTCAT results from the RFE 3,4 L selection code are placed in storage and browsed from there.  For some of these, the REVCATCH "command" is used, as seen in some CLISTs supplied with REVIEW.
And what would an editor want with data in storage?Where should the updates be saved to?
Is the expectation that the REVEDIT internal data structures would be published such that another program would load the data into storage ready for REVEDIT to process?
Or would the in-storage data simply be used as a data source, and REVEDIT would manage its own internal data structures as per usual?
Or is something like the EDIF interface from ISPF being envisaged?
Not intending to sound snippy or anything, just trying to nail down the potential requirement details...
(A couple of times I've tried writing a program without understanding the requirement - and they've both ended up rubbish.  The first time was for a product being written for CA, and the second time was at IBM.  Fortunately, both times someone was able to supply the missing conceptual details.)

kerravon86@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS]
2018-02-20 10:50:26 UTC
Post by '***@yahoo.com' ***@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
OTOH, the REVIEW browser can browse stuff
in storage, but not by being passed the storage
when called from another program.
Perhaps you could have given him the command
to view all storage. I was going to do that myself,
but I couldn't remember the command. I tried
in quotes, nothing worked. I tried searching the
os380 group, but Yahoo search is broken so
didn't find the relevant message.

BFN. Paul.
'pricgren@yahoo.com' pricgren@yahoo.com [H390-MVS]
2018-02-20 13:22:49 UTC
On Tuesday, February 20, 2018, 9:50:35 PM GMT+11, ***@yahoo.com.au [H390-MVS] <H390-***@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

Perhaps you could have given him the command to view all storage.

Did you mean
IPCS has a parameter likeDUMPDS(dsname)
When this is replaced withACTIVEthen IPCS will look at the current TSO user address space.
I would not know if this is available on MVS 3,8 or not - but I'd guess not..

I realize that this logic prevents REVIEW from browsing a data set with the single qualifier name ofACTIVEbut if this is a problem I'll give back 10% of the support fees I've received from any inconvenienced user.
IM VBcan also browse virtual storage.
The first thing I used for this was theDEBUGcommand from the CBT tape.  You could run CLISTs under this thing.  I still have a CLIST command which would zap the console buffer data stream so that messages rolled downwards instead up upwards.  And another one which rolled the messages inwards, oscillating about and towards the centre line of the screen.  Of course, DEBUG needed APF to work.

Ah, such fun!

One thing aboutREV 'ACTIVE'is that full REVIEW FIND facilities are available, including FIND ALL.  And even though virtual storage is presented as 16-byte records (in hex and char), FIND does not consider these apparent boundaries when searching for a match.  You can even set ASCII ON if you want to see the storage bytes rendered that way.  Since REVIEW runs in key 8, you can't use it to view fetch protected system storage.
Somewhere (on the OS380 forum?) there was the remark "if only REVIEW had been written in C".  It reminded me that for a few years in the late 80s, perhaps, my brother was "threatening" to do just that: rewrite REVIEW in C.  It never happened, of course, though I expect he could have done it if he'd ever found the time.

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